I wonder if I can.
Easy repair with items that can be easily purchased by amateurs.
I’ll leave you to it!
I tried to do this with the following in mind ????.
Materials Needed for Heel Repair
100-yen leather bond
, toothpicks,
and your favorite shoe cream
Time required for repair
15 minutes
Heel Repair Procedure
- Apply a thin layer of bond to the back of the leather and the heel itself with a toothpick.
- Let it sit for about 10 minutes.
- Apply while pulling the leather.
- Press the edge of the leather on the peeled side to make it flat.
- Use shoe cream to cover it up.
The result of the repair is, well!
Please keep your eyes peeled and your heart warm.
The bond popped out the moment I opened the package, so I had to quickly put it on the package paper.
But I think it was a good first aid.
Heels can be scratchy!
If you wear heels, please give this a try.
For serious repairs, go to your local repair shop????.
If you don’t have a store near you, you can order repairs on Rakuten.
Orange Heel Repair CenterThey sell a variety of goods to try when you want to repair it yourself.