White! White!
Add color with a wine-colored bus wayfarer at your feet.
I didn’t know how to take care of it at first, so there were some cracks in the bends.
I didn’t know how to take care of them at first.
But I love them even more now that I have a shoe professional who tells me that they look great.
I’ve been wearing these shoes for over 10 years now.
They are a special pair for me.
uniqlo_with#Supima Cotton Oversized T
size:S White ¥1,990-
▫️shoesG.H.BASS (バス)
Wayfarer size:7.5
▶︎ [Rakuten Ichiba] Bass Wayfarer online store
▫️bag@mm6maisonmargielaAVP BERLIN
BAG¥28,600- white